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Benefits of Self-Reflection and 3 Tips for How to Do It

What is Self-reflection?

In a world where it is easy to focus on what is going wrong, what you don’t have, others that cause stress or tension, experiencing low self-esteem, and more, it’s imperative to acknowledge and reflect on what is going well for you and what you want to change. In order to do that, you have to do some self-reflection. Have you ever stared at your reflection in the mirror with thoughts coursing through your mind? Self-reflection is much the same, though it is about seeing your reflection inward.

What is self-reflection? The crux of self-reflection is taking the time to assess and evaluate your character, decisions, inner motivations, intentions, and desires. It is a process in which you come to understand who you are as well as why you think and act the way you do. Self-reflection is a healthy skill to have in your toolbox.

The process of understanding yourself begins with self-reflection in order to create awareness of what you are doing well and what you want to develop upon. With true awareness, you are able to learn from your actions, create change, and grow to become a more healthy and self-compassionate individual who is proud of your decisions.

Benefits of self-reflection

Self-reflection cultivates insight, perspective on what is important, as well as awareness in your life which creates an opportunity for change. By gaining awareness, you learn to respond in more efficient ways. In addition, it provides an opportunity to become congruent with who you are and who you want to be.

Self-compassion and gratitude are interconnected with self-reflection, too. Self-reflection is meant for you to acknowledge what you do well and what you can improve upon. Furthermore, self-compassion is imperative during this process. Self-reflection is not meant to be misused as time to be unrealistically critical or hard on yourself. Therefore, remain cognizant of the language you are using. For instance, rather than saying, “I’m terrible at talking to people.” Reframe your perspective and say, “I want to strengthen my communication with others.”

How to Self-reflect

Rather than overthinking or reimagining situations in your mind, tap into aspects of that experience. It is about discovering why, understanding yourself, and revealing your values. The following are tips and advice on how to self-reflect:

  • Look inward and ask yourself pivotal questions that broaden your perspective and creates a deeper understanding of yourself. Some helpful questions may include: What did you do? What did you think? What did you feel? Now, work deeper to answer why did you do, think, and feel the way you did.

  • Self-reflection can be used in specific situations or overall. In regard to a specific situation, evaluate an interaction you had with a friend or family member, your performance whether it is sports-related or work-related, or an experience with something new. Another type of self-reflection is reviewing your day as a whole, measuring your productivity, or checking in on the current state of your emotions.

The following is a list of just three activities that may help encourage self-reflection and turn it into a daily practice.

  • Journaling is a healthy activity to express your thoughts; it is about slowing down and taking the time to process and write. However, if you don’t know where to begin, you can search and select a few prompts to get started.

  • Writing a daily gratitude list allows for self-compassion. It is a reminder to see the positive aspects of your day, acknowledge the good things that occur, something you were able to accomplish, and what you are thankful for.

  • Guided meditation is another resource that promotes awareness of present feelings, senses, and thoughts. With practice, you can strengthen this skillset. Not only does mindfulness meditation help with self-reflection and awareness, but it has an impact on anxiety, stress, and more.

  • If you are looking for additional help with making self-reflection a practice, reach out to schedule a counseling session!

If you want to see the best of life, show gratitude for the beautiful things that happen throughout your life. –Marala Scott

Alyssa Curry, MA, LPC

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About Sam Nabil

Sam Nabil is the founder of Naya Clinics and is a Cincinnati therapist and a Cincinnati Marriage Counselor.

Sam offers therapy in Cincinnati and Cincinnati Marriage Counseling for adults suffering from relationship challenges, life transitions and anxiety.

Sam was featured in many prestigious publications. Check out his interview with Aljazeera English


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